Work carried out by Josu Ascondo, Andrea Martín-López, Iker Garate, Inmaculada Martínez-Aldama (Department of Physical and Sports Education, University of the Basque Country), Aitor Iturricastillo, Cristina Granados, Estibaliz Romaratezabala, Javier Yanci (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country) and Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, ranked in the first quartile (Q1) in SCOPUS and in the second quartile (Q2) in Web of Science.
Work carried out by Uxue Fernández-Lasa, Olaia Eizaguirre, Oidui Usabiaga (Department of Physical and Sports Education, University of the Basque Country) and Sheila Romero (GaituzSport) in the journal Annals of Leisure Research, ranked in the first quartile (Q1) in SCOPUS and in the second (Q2) in Web of Science.
Work carried out by Sheila Romero, Xabier Leizea and Juan Jauregizar (GaituzSport) in the journal Acción motriz, indexed in the DOAJ and DIALNET databases and rated with the letter C in Dialnet.
Work carried out by Begoña García Zapirain, Aurora Madariaga, Amaia Mendez (University of Deusto) and Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), in the proceedings of the 8th Congress of the Spanish Social Policy Network (REPS): Caring for life, guaranteeing inclusion, living together in diversity: consensus and challenges.
Work carried out by Sandra Solaguren-Beascoa (Sport and Health Research Centre, University of Granada) and Sheila Romero (GaituzSport) in the Revista de Estilos de Aprendizaje, indexed in the Emerging Source Citation Index database.
Work carried out by Sandra Solaguren-Beascoa (Sport and Health Research Centre, University of Granada) and Sheila Romero (GaituzSport) in the Revista de Estilos de Aprendizaje, indexed in the Emerging Source Citation Index database.
Work carried out by Elena Alonso (GaituzSport), Javier Yanci and Aitor Iturricastillo (UPV), in the Revista iberoamericana de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte, indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index database.
Work carried out by Sheila Romero, Xabier Leizea, Silvia Zobarán, Ander Martín, Sandra Solaguren-Beascoa and Juan Jauregizar (GaituzSport), in the book of the Proceedings of the 7th Conference on activity and sport in the Basque Country: The inevitable adaptation of the sports (eco)system.
Work carried out by Xabier Leizea, Silvia Zobarán and Juan Jauregizar (GaituzSport), in the book of the Proceedings of the 7th Conference on activity and sport in the Basque Country: The inevitable adaptation of the sports (eco)system.
Work carried out by Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), together with Idurre Lazcano and Aurora Madariaga (University of Deusto) and Douglas Kleiber (University of Georgia), in the World Leisure Journal, located in the first quartile of the Scopus database.
Work carried out by Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), together with Ioseba Iraurgi and Aurora Madariaga (University of Deusto) and Duarte Araujo (University of Lisbon), in the prestigious journal Heliyon.
Paper by Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), together with Aurora Madariaga and Idurre Lazcano (University of Deusto) and Liana Romera (Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil), in the Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Age & Dependence, does the most dependent population access leisure?
Paper by Sheila Romero (GaituzSport), together with Aurora Madariaga and Ibon Oleagordia (Deusto University), as part of the paper Social & Educational Representations of Leisure, Documentation of Leisure Studies (Deusto University).
Paper by Xabier Leizea (GaituzSport) and Clementina Sevilla (Demuporsa) in the work.
Transversal Value of Sport
Sheila Romero and Juan Jauregizar, presented the communication Mujer, Discapacidad y Práctica Físico-deportiva: Análisis de Motivaciones y Barreras, a work carried out with Ane Extremiana and Xabier Leizea (GaituzSport Foundation).
The aim of the communication was to approach the situation of women with disabilities in terms of access to and participation in sport through knowledge of their motivations and barriers to practice.
– It is essential that women with disabilities and/or health disorders have access to inclusive physical activity programmes that are adapted to the needs of each participant.
– To encourage their participation, the physical activity programme must meet specific inclusion and accessibility criteria.
– Personalised and supervised attention is key to know the characteristics and profiles of each woman and to increase participation levels, making programmes and practices stimulating and attractive to women with disabilities.
– Another important factor to take into account in promoting participation is the context of the person, identifying the barriers they encounter in physical activity and facilitating agents are necessary to address these barriers.
The communication, derived from the project Promoting the participation of women with disabilities and/or health disorders, has also been awarded as the best communication made by doctors during the congress.
Elena Alonso and Sheila Romero presented the poster Promoviendo la Inclusión Social y el Bienestar a través de la Actividad Física Adaptada y Supervisada: OSAKINBIDE, a work carried out jointly with Xabier Leizea and Juan Jauregizar.
The objectives of the work were to present the benefits of the OSAKINBIDE programme, a Mutualia programme carried out and designed by GaituzSport that aims to improve both physical condition and mental wellbeing, leading to a significant improvement in the quality of life of its participants.
The results showed a significant improvement in the well-being of the participants, also showing very high levels of satisfaction with the programme.
Julio Calleja (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), presented the poster Relationship between age, anthropometry and upper upper-lower limb strength in physical disabilities population, a work carried out with Iker Garate, Javier Yanci, Josu Ascondo, Aitor Iturricastillo and Cristina Granados (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), Jeffrey Michael Mjaanes (Northwestern University, Chicago); and Elena Alonso, coordinator of the technical area of GaituzSport.
The main objectives of the poster were to analyse the relationship between age, anthropometric characteristics and upper limb strength (ULS) and lower limb strength (LLS) in people with physical disabilities and to determine whether these relationships differ between women and men.
The results showed that anthropometry is related to both ULS and LLS in people with physical disabilities. The correlations are different between women and men. While in women, age and height are more related to ULS, and body mass to both ULS and LLS, in men, abdomen and chest are more related to LLS, and waist-hip ratio to both ULS and LLS.
This poster is the result of the work carried out within the Muévete 2.0 project that we are carrying out with the GIKAFIT group of the UPV/EHU.
Julio Calleja (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), presented the poster Lower Limb Strength Asymmetry in Adults with Disabilities, a work carried out with Josu Ascondo, Cristina Granados, Iker Garate, Aitor Iturricastillo and Javier Yanci (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), Jeffrey Michael Mjaanes (Northwestern University, Chicago); and Elena Alonso, coordinator of the technical area of GaituzSport.
The poster focused on the unipodal strength of the lower limb and also on limb asymmetry in people with disabilities. The objectives of the study were: to analyse bipodal and unipodal lower limb strength in adults with disabilities, to describe the differences between dominant and non-dominant lower limb strength, and to analyse possible differences in lower limb strength and limb asymmetry between men and women.
In this study, no significant differences were observed between jumping with both legs in the general group and in the men. Women showed differences between the dominant and non-dominant limb. There were also no differences in lower limb strength between men and women with disabilities. However, it is worth noting that the variation of the results in each test was more than 38%, which shows a heterogeneous performance of the participants in the study.
This poster is the result of the work carried out as part of the Muévete 2.0 project that we are carrying out with the GIKAFIT group of the UPV/EHU.
Xabier Leizea (GaituzSport Foundation) presented Kiprest at the Digital Transformation Forum focused on the impact of technology applied to sport and physical activity on the environment, health and inclusion of all people. The Forum was held at the Bizkaia pelota court in Bilbao.
The Forum explained the Kiprest app as a facilitating tool for the inclusion of people with disabilities in sports activities.
More info about Kiprest here
Elena Alonso and Xabier Leizea (GaituzSport Foundation) presented the workshop “Physical Exercise: a Health Tool for Young People” at the III Euskadi Against Cancer Congress, held in Bilbao.
Through this workshop, the importance of physical exercise as a health tool for young people with cancer was highlighted, combining practical proposals and theoretical explanations. In this sense, the benefits of physical exercise practice, current evidence-based recommendations, and considerations and strategies to be taken into account for intervention with the child and adolescent population were explored.
Elena Alonso (GaituzSport Foundation) presented the poster BIZI PREST CÁNCER: mejora de las capacidades funcionales y el bienestar psicológico de las personas con cáncer a través del ejercicio físico supervisado en entornos comunitarios; work carried out with Ane Extremiana, Xabier Leizea, Juan Jauregizar and Sheila Romero, also members of the R+D+I area of GaituzSport.
Xabier Martin Martitegui (Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute) presented the poster “How can we achieve that cancer patients benefit from the therapeutic effects of exercise? a work carried out with Maria Soledad Arietaleanizbeaskoa Sarabia, Nere Mendizabal Gallastegui, Maria Elena Amutio Diez, Eluska Iruarrizaga Ovejas (Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute), Sheila Romero (GaituzSport Foundation) and Elena Galve Calvo (Basurto University Hospital).
The aim of the poster was to reduce the gap between the scientific knowledge available and the reality experienced by onco-hematological patients, exploring the perspectives of the different agents involved in the application of BIZI ORAIN to identify the barriers and facilitators that influence its sustainable and widespread implementation.
Julio Calleja (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), presented the poster The 6MWT In Adults With Disabilities: A Proposal For Estimating The Real Distance Covered, a work by Josu Ascondo, Cristina Granados, Iker Garate, Aitor Iturricastillo and Javier Yanci (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country); Jeffrey Michael Mjaanes (Northwestern University, Chicago); and Sheila Romero, coordinator of the research area of GaituzSport.
The objectives of this study are 1) to describe 6MWT performance in people with disa-bilities and pathologies, 2) to analyze the association between distance covered measured by Stryd and measured by lap counting, 3) to analyze the differences between men and women in 6MWT per-formance.
Josu Askondo (Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of the Basque Country), presented the poster Relación entre el porcentaje de discapacidad y los motivos y barreras para la práctica de actividad física en adultos con discapacidad visual, work carried out with Cristina Granados, Aitor Iturricastillo and Javier Yanci (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), Jon Mikel Picabea and Iker Garate (Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of the Basque Country); and Sheila Romero, coordinator of the research area of GaituzSport.
The purpose of the poster was to analyse the relationship between the percentage of disability and the reasons and perceived barriers to physical activity in adults with visual impairment, concluding that the percentage of disability does not seem to affect the perception of barriers to physical activity in the participants of the study. However, it does seem to be associated with a greater perception of doing physical activity to eliminate stress and out of obligation.
Jon Mikel Picabea (Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of the Basque Country), presented the poster Relación entre la edad y los motivos y barreras para la práctica de actividad física en adultos con discapacidad, a work carried out with Cristina Granados, Aitor Iturricastillo and Javier Yanci (Society, Sports and Physical Exercise Research Group (GIKAFIT) of the University of the Basque Country), Josu Ascondo and Iker Garate (Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of the Basque Country); and Sheila Romero, coordinator of the research area of GaituzSport.
The aim of the poster was to analyse the relationship between age and the motives and barriers to the practice of PA by adults with disabilities, showing that there is a relationship between age and some barriers and motives for the practice of physical activity in participants with disabilities, and observing that the greatest barriers are related to age itself, childcare and household chores, while the greatest motivators are the improvement of health, spending time with a partner and sharing activities with children.
Xabier Leizea (GaituzSport) took part in the round table discussion Surf inclusivo como herramienta de salud, talking about inclusive surfing experiences carried out by GaituzSport.
Sheila Romero (researcher at Gaituzsport) presented the communication La ola de la inclusión: experiencias inclusivas en el surf, a work carried out with the rest of the technical and management team of Gaituzsport: Xabier Leizea, Silvia Zobarán and Juan Jauregizar.
Given the benefits of surfing for everyone, there are also modalities and actions adapted so that people with disabilities can enjoy this sport freely and like the rest of the population without disabilities. This communication has shown the support resources carried out within the FederArte festival held on 5 beaches in Gipuzkoa in 2019, showing that full inclusion can also be carried out in a sport that takes place in a natural context.
Aurora Madariaga (University of Deusto) presented the communication Ocio y mujer joven con discapacidad ¿Una realidad incluida?, a work done with Sheila Romero, GaituzSport researcher. The communication showed the complexity of approaching and knowing the reality of leisure and women, the leisure of young women and in an even more complicated way: the leisure of young women with disabilities. From the data of a study, the authors showed that the main leisure practice for young women with disabilities is sports, they themselves organize their own leisure and the place of practice is usually the home, the association or in community.
Sandra Solaguren-Beaskoa, GaituzSport Technical Area, and Sheila Romero, GaituzSport researcher, presented the communication Análisis de los Procesos Motivacionales en el aula de Educación Física: Propuesta de intervención de Unidad Didáctica de Educación Física Inclusiva a través del enfoque de la Pedagogía de la Cooperación. In the presentation, the authors made an analysis of the Motivational Processes and the satisfaction of the Basic Psychological Learning Needs of adolescents in Physical Education sessions; finally making a proposal for a Didactic Unit of Inclusive Physical Education to promote the development of these processes and promote the satisfaction of these needs.
Sheila Romero and Xabier Leizea presented a communication entitled Kiprest: Diseño y desarrollo de una arquitectura tecnológica facilitadora de los recursos de apoyo para la participación inclusiva de las personas con discapacidad y/o alteraciones de la salud en los servicios deportivos. In this presentation, the authors showed the first steps in the development and content of Kiprest, also indicating the current status of the project.
Sheila Romero presented the communication El ocio como elemento de inclusión en personas con fragilidad cognitiva, a work carried out with Begoña Zapirain, Aurora Madariaga and Amaia Méndez. The communication has shown the importance of leisure as a factor of inclusion in all people, finally emphasizing the group of people with cognitive fragility and the keys to their inclusion.
Xabier Leizea, the Foundation General Co-ordinator took part in an international congress on sport in large cities, in Barcelona with a speech on the inclusive municipal offer – GaituzSport Experience
Xabier Leizea, the Foundation General Co-ordinator took part in the Eskolaabian: Inklusioaren eta berdintasunarenbidean Session with the speech ‘Resources for inclusion in physical education’. The meeting was held at Euskalduna Palace, Bilbao.